“One of the most significant and important points to understand about worship is that it’s the point of the church’s being, not just a part. If worship is true to God’s purpose and plan, it will serve as the “front line” of Christ’s power to change and restore human lives.”
What We See
Freedom Aloud sees a unified people of different cultures and generations trained to freely worship God in spirit and in truth.
Why Multi-Cultural?
In a time where the world is divided, the church can unite under the banner of Jesus. A multicultural people can display power in a unified church. It also reflects the nature of heaven. All were made in His image, and all should praise Him together.
Galatians 3:28
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
What We Do
Freedom Aloud equips the multi-generational church to give worship unto God that releases freedom, by offering:
— musical worship & songwriting,
— pastoral encouragement,
— training sessions, &
— team and resource development
Why Multi-Generational?
We must pass the baton. Succession can only happen when worshippers think generationally. The next generation must stand on the shoulders of those who have come before. Love & honor are keys.
Psalm 145:4
“One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.”
What We Offer
• Lead musical worship & write songs
• Inspire Pastors and fellowship with them concerning the heart of worship
• Train Directors, Leaders, Teams, & worshippers in biblical worship
• Equip Team Leaders in purpose, vision, and mission through counsel & resource development
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
“The only way to authenticate a worshipper is to look at his life. The platform can never substitute the sacrifices made in private. ”
Jeremiah Woods has served the global Christian church in worship since 2006. He currently ministers on a regular basis at Lakewood Church and City Reach Church. Jeremiah & his family also travel to train churches.
With seventeen years of experience leading and worshipping God, Jeremiah brings a unique combination of talent, experience, and perspective that’s been cultivated by years of serving and working alongside Pastors, worshippers, major recording artists, and Grammy-award winning individuals & projects.
Growing up, his aspirations were to be an FBI agent or a cartoonist, but no matter what he pursued, God continued to place him in the position to fulfill the calling on his life.
Jeremiah’s passion is to advance the Kingdom of God by training people from all generations and cultures to worship God in spirit and in truth. Jeremiah’s first ministry is his family. He is married to Keri Leigh [www.bewhollyhealthy.com], and they have four incredible children Jeremiah, Asher, Willow, & Levi.
Founders, Jeremiah and Keri, birthed Freedom Aloud in response to the need for united, authentic, free, multi-cultural, multi-generational worship. Through Freedom Aloud, Jeremiah and Keri equip the church with understanding of biblical worship, and trains others with a life-giving, relational, & strategic approach.